#TOP5 videos: A 3D printed house and much more!

We found the TOP 5 videos of the week related to 3D printing and collected the additive manufacturing here. You can enjoy even more 3D printing videos on the our Youtube channel, as well as share your videos and comment on the article below or on the 3Dnatives’ Facebook or Twitter account. Hope you’ll enjoy and have a great Sunday!

Top 1: A 3D printed house

In recent years, the Italian manufacturer WASP has been offering environmentally friendly alternatives for when building a 3D printed house. This by using local materials and additive manufacturing methods. They recently introduced Gaia, a 3D printed house made from earth and rice. The objective was to use raw materials found locally and give them some added value. After 100 hours of printing and 27 kilometers of extrusion, the team got a 3D printed house of 9 cubic meters.

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