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We have been diligently monitoring the spread of COVID-19 worldwide with a healthy measure of pragmatism and concern. The optimistic hope had been to attend and exhibit at AMUG this year, where we had plans to showcase live 3D printing on ultrafast NXE400 SLA 3D printers as well as announce several new reseller relationships with high-profile partners. It is our deep belief that events such as AMUG are of great importance to the 3D printing industry, as they allow participants to touch base with users, building and reinforcing relationships.
Today, AMUG’s leadership announced the cancellation of the event for 2020. We understand this was a difficult decision and we fully support it and believe it is prudent not to expose anyone unnecessarily to unintended risks. The additive manufacturing community is resilient and resourceful, and we have no doubt that together we will get through this massive disruption stronger. We hope to see you all at AMUG 2021.
The WHO has now pronounced COVID-19 a global pandemic, with both AMUG-hosting Illinois and our home base of California having declared states of emergency due to viral infection. Closer still to home, here in Venuta, CA, a sixth confirmed case of coronavirus infection has emerged, pointing to the growing need for vigilance.
For our part, business at Nexa3D is continuing on as close to normal as is currently possible.
Over the last six months, Nexa3D has grown its reseller network enormously. Four new partnerships with well-known companies will serve to extend this reach even further, offering more potential users access to new capabilities in stereolithography 3D printing. Our NXE400 systems offer a significant upgrade over legacy SLA 3D printers through ultrafast industrial 3D printing using best-in-breed performance materials at attractive cost of ownership.
Our proprietary Lubricant Sublayer Photo-curing (LSPc) technology and patented structured light matrix power our systems to reach top speeds of 1Z centimeter per minute — up to 40X faster than other SLA 3D printers. This drastic improvement is essentially taking 3D printing from dialup speed to broadband.
For the last two years, Nexa3D has been named among The Tech Tribune’s Best Tech Startups in Ventura based on factors including revenue potential, leadership team, brand/product traction, and competitive landscape. We hope to continue to live up to the potential of a best-in-tech young company, building on the strong foundations already in place in both our team and the maturing AM industry.
NXE400 systems are produced and assembled in the USA, and while we might anticipate certain disruptions in the supply chain during this pandemic event, we are continuing to offer 3D printer and material sales uninterrupted. Our team is available for inquiry into systems, reseller arrangements, and the impacts of potential business disruptions. Please contact us any time here.