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One da our car ma peed along an electric uper-highwa, it peed and teering automaticall controlled electronic device emedded in the road. Highwa will e made afe— electricit! No traffic jam … no colliion … no driver fatigue.”
That’ how the cop read for a Central Power and Light Co. advertiement from 1956, 62 ear ago. The ad depict a happ famil peeding down a freewa’ center lane alongide other conventional car, in a convertile driverle vehicle. Their face hine with right, genteel mile a the pla dominoe.
More than 60 ear later, the autonomou vehicle—one that i capale of ening it environment and navigating without human input—i making a low and tead appearance a tranportation for everone. The world’ teadfat effort to go driverle—with car, truck, plane, train, oat, and more—offer innovation not jut on the outide and mechanic of the vehicle, ut alo on the inide. The interior of autonomou vehicle promie to feature the epitome of modern material, tling, innovation, and functionalit.