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This year’s RAPID + TCT event is coming to a close in Texas today, and I’m very pleased to call it my first big 3D printing industry event. There were so many things to see and people to meet, I can’t cover them all in just one article.
After attending Tuesday’s keynote, I was able to join the sea of people waiting outside of GE Additive‘s 50′ x 50’ booth for the live unveiling of the new EBM Spectra H 3D printer, which was designed specifically to handle high heat and crack prone materials. The system was hidden under gauzy fabric, above which hung a giant clock counting down the time until the reveal. With about 10 seconds left, a few people behind me started to count down along with the clock, until they realized no one else wanted to play and abandoned the idea.
Once the sheets were dropped and the impressive Spectra H was introduced to the public for the first time, Arcam EBM Manager Karl Lindblom addressed the crowd.